Frango Kourandi is Assistant Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She studied in the Department of Economic Science of the Athens University of Economics where she completed her doctoral thesis on industrial organization. In 2011-2012 he worked as a post-doctor in the Department of Economics and Social Sciences at Telecom ParisTech University in France. She has worked as a visiting lecturer at SciencesPo in France, the University of Macedonia, the University of Ioannina and the Athens University of Economics as well as as a specialist scientist at the Energy Regulatory Authority. Her research and teaching interests focus on Industrial Organization, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory, Competition Regulation and Policy and Network Economics. He has published in international scientific journals such as the Journal of Industrial Economics and Information System Research.
Recent Publications
- Kourandi, J. Krämer and T. Valletti (2015) “Net Neutrality, Exclusivity Contracts and Internet Fragmentation”, Information System Research, Vol. 26, No 2.
- Kourandi, M. Bourreau and T. Valletti (2015) “Net Neutrality with Competing Internet Platforms”, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 63, No 1.
- Kourandi, S. Sachtachinskagia and N. Vettas (2014) “Technology Transfer, Contracting, and Product Market Competition” in The Analysis of Competition Policy and Sectoral Regulation, ed. by M. Peitz and Y. Spiegel, World Scientific, Now Publishers.
- Kourandi and I. Pinopoulos (2021) “Vertical contracts and vertical integration” work in progress.
Grypario Megaron, Sophocleous 1 & Aristidou, 4th floor, office 426
Tel.: +30 210 3689443