Loizos Konstantinos

Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, UOA

Dr. Konstantinos Loizos is a C-Level Researcher at the Centre for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE), a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Economics of the EKPA and a visiting professor in the same Department as well as a member of the Hellenic Open University. He studied Sociology and Public Administration at Panteion University and holds two master’s degrees from the University of London in the United Kingdom (Financial Economics) and from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as a Ph.D. from the same university (Economic Science). As a researcher he has worked with the Bank of Greece and the Hellenic Confederation of Trade and Entrepreneurship. He has published his research in international scientific journals such as the Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of Economic Issues, Economic Alternatives as well as in collective volumes. In addition, he is co-author of two books and curator of three volumes in his scientific subject. His research interests include the fields of development finance, financial regulation and deregulation with an emphasis on banking supervision and regulation as well as the theory and history of economic institutions.

CV link: https://www.kepe.gr/index.php/en/profil-cb/userprofile/kloizos.html


Recent Publications

  • Loizos, K. (forthcoming) “Challenging conventional wisdom about Non-Performing Loans: A Post-Keynesian Institutionalist perspective”, Journal of Economic Issues
  • Loizos, K. (2020) “A Brief Economic History of Repeated Defaults” in Petrakis, P. E. & Kostis, P. C. The Evolution of the Greek Economy. Past Challenges and Future Approaches. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Loizos, K. (2020) “The Institutional Evolution and the Failed Modernizing Attempts” in Petrakis, P. E. & Kostis, P. C. The Evolution of the Greek Economy. Past Challenges and Future Approaches. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Loizos, K. (2019) “Solving the NPLs’ problem in Greece: Where do we stand?” in Ten years into the global financial crisis – The current state of finance in the EU: Prospects and alternatives, Nicos Poulantzas Institute, transform! Europe / EuroMemorandum Group
  • Loizos, Κ. (2018) “The Financial Repression-Liberalization Debate: Taking Stock, Looking for a Synthesis”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(2), pp. 440-468.
  • Loizos, Κ. (2017) “Alternative Financial Regimes and Development Banks in Greece 1963-2002: What Have We Learned?”, Economic Alternatives, 1, pp. 34-50.
  • Loizos, K. (2012) “The Bank of Greece and the management of the inter-war crises, 1929 -1940: Changing the Central Banking Paradigm” in Psalidopoulos, M. (ed.) The Great Depression in Europe: Economic Thought and Policy in a National Context, The Alpha Bank Historical Archives, pp. 169-196.
  • Thomadakis S. and Loizos, K. (2011) “Financial Regulation and the Cost of Capital of Credit Institutions”, in Hardouvelis G. & Ch. Gortsos (eds.) The international crisis, the Eurozone crisis and the Greek financial system, Hellenic Bank Association, pp. 541-553 (in Greek).



Email: kloizos@kepe.gr

Address: KEPE, Amerikis 11, Athens, 10672

Tel: 210-3676305

Fax: 210-3611136, 210-3630122